Pop up logo 3


The logo (with 3 versions) was elaborated by María de los Angeles Vargas, with the support and advice of the team of Chaochagaschile.cl (http://chaochagaschile.cl/) and the  Communication Centre of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile.


The proposal brings together a family, different people, in different conditions and ages who can be affected by Chagas disease. In any part of the world there could be a person affected by Chagas.

Chagas is and should be a global concern as it affects its population. People move and human mobility has made visible Chagas on the planet. This is why man sustains the world.

The girl holds in her hands a magnifying glass where the Trypanosoma cruzi are observed, they are visible.

Chagas disease has been made invisible and this magnifying glass allows us to get closer and observe what we can detect in the blood. We not only see the parasites but the people affected.

The obviously pregnant woman raises her voice and tells the world that Chagas exists. Women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be a priority.

The world hears, sees and recognizes Chagas and the people affected by it.